Monthly Archives: February 2020

Quebec, Canada Winter Carnival February 6-9, 2020

???  How many people over 55 years of age, do you think there are that live in Connecticut, that would travel North in February instead of South?   Answer …  that I can vouch for … Forty Two.   A friend and I signed up through a local senior center for a 4 day, 3 night trip to Quebec, Canada.   We would be traveling by Motor coach to and from Quebec,  led and organized by Tours of Distinction.  The draw of the trip being the Quebec Winter Carnival, but the itinerary was jam packed with ways to enjoy the FROZEN festivities,  see an ICE Hotel and enjoy other spectacular WINTER sights  …   if your thinking COLD,  you’re right. If your thinking SNOW, you’re right, if  you’re wondering if this could be FUN, the answer is  absolutely!

“Oh the weather outside is frightful, but inside it’s oh, so delightful!”   The snow was on the road before us.   Our First Lunch Stop … Miss Lyndonville Diner  686 Broad Street  Lyndonville, Vermont …  Couldn’t have been a more perfect introduction to what lay ahead … good food,  friendly people,  beautiful scenery.    

It took my table mates a few minutes to get my humor when I suggested we all order the “Noreaster”.   I gave them a little slack, we’d only been on the road a few hours.  I loved this menu.  My first mistake, I didn’t save room for fresh baked pie. My first reason to go back.

Our home away from home for four days, three nights will be,  The Palace Royal  775 Ave Honore-Mercier  Quebec  418-694-2000.  Great location  at the St. John Gate to the Walled City.    If your room doesn’t have a balcony with a view, no problem, there is one on every floor, available to all guests.   My second mistake,  not bringing a bathing suit, to enjoy the indoor pool and hot tub.  Suffice to say,  I made do.  Instead I relaxed on a balcony, enjoyed the company of a good friend,  a beautiful view,  a glass of wine and great conversation.

Day two … venturing out into the blizzard, we made it to the Quebec Observatory and  enjoyed the views from the highest point in the city,  221 meters up.

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“Baby It’s Cold OUTSIDE” and INSIDE the Hotel de Glace!  If your interested … rooms are available with price ranges from $400 – $900 a night.  If you are still interested,  its advised you  should book now for next year, because availability is limited.  The third mistake I made was not putting in my hand and toe warmers.  I was thinking INSIDE a Hotel, not INSIDE an ICE CUBE.  Problem solved, the music inside the Ice Bar got my feet moving.

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Our City tour guide, James, insisted on taking those that were well bundled and willing to battle the gusting wind for a “stroll” through The  Quartier Petit Champlain.  It is truly a must see area in any season or weather.  The Fresque de Quebecois  is exquisit. Thank You James!

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After strolling through the wind and snow, we were treated to a most delicious cup of hot vegetable soup and a home style lunch at Spag&tini Le Resto   40 rue du Marche-Champlain Quebec 418-694-9144   Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!  Compliments to the chef and merci beaucoup to the waitstaff for the excellent service.

A blustery, cold but beautiful day after the storm for a STROLL on the Boardwalk at Dufferin Terrace

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Tour of the Chateau de Frontenac.

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Bonhomme’s (Carnivals Mascot) Ice Palace

A big perk to the trip was seating in the VIP section for the WINTER Carnival’s Night Parade.  This included souvenir lap blankets and a wide variety of complimentary drinks,  including the most popular drink of the Carnival …  Caribou –not what you may think!  This is a drink made with Port Wine, either whiskey or brandy and some add a bit of maple syrup.  The parade was absolutely astounding!  Sorry, no photos …  I”ll leave this vision to your imagination and give you a reason to see it for yourself. It is a reason for me too!

Our personal journey was highlighted by many of the people we met.  For one couple, this was their 4th visit to Quebec, third time in the winter.  On the one evening that we were on our own for dinner, they invited us and several other “new friends” to join them and their daughter at one of their favorite Quebec restaurants.  Louis Herbert  668 Grande Allee E,  418-525-7812.   Excellent Everything!  Kudos to William, our waiter,  for suggesting we try his own secret Hot Sangria.  Don’t tell Bonhomme, but it was much better than the Caribou!

Two places on our tour that I had visited previously are St Anne de Beaupre Basilica and Montmorency Falls.  It was fun seeing the Falls in winter.  We weren’t able to stop because of time lost in the blizzard.  I opted out of the tour of the Basilica in favor of attending Mass, which was quite an honor for me.  If you’d like to view my past photos of both places just tap on my search icon and type in Quebec.

TEN Stars to Tom,  our bus driver,  for getting us there and back safely.  Most of our 11 hour drive to Quebec, it was snowing.  The second day,  Quebec had it’s first blizzard of 2020. Tom’s driving skills were taxed to the max!  He managed to get us around the City,  but when our plans outside the City were cancelled, due to the highway being shut down,  he worked with our Tour Director and “City Tour Guide” rescheduling.   Mother Nature lighten up a little on days 3 and 4, but Tom still had to maneuver around the clean up.  We did not miss out on any activities.  THANK YOU TOM!  Oh!  Did I mention that he never complained, not even when I called him JIM!

TEN Stars to Julie,  our Tour director,  for how well she handled all the “snow balls” she was thrown and all the extra efforts she made to make sure everyone was as comfortable as possible.  Julie worked tirelessly through “snow mounds” of complaints,  that  the only person that could have been held accountable was Mother Nature.  Julie (not TOD) gave gift bags to everyone on the first day.  The bags had hand and toe warmers, tissues,  lifesavers and kisses.  The warmers were lifesavers and Julie got lots of hugs at the end of the trip, no kisses they had been used as body fuel!  THANK YOU JULIE!

HONORABLE mention to James, our City Tour Guide.  James’ ancestors helped build Quebec. He is a true Canadian.  At times when he had us trekking up and down the snow crested hills of the City,  I thought he had to have some mountain goat in him.  He was relentless in making sure we were offered the full Quebec WINTER experience.    THANK YOU JAMES!

KUDOS to the Tours of Distinction “behind the scenes” research and planning staff.  The restaurants chosen were characteristic of the areas traveled.  Even though food choices were limited, due to the size of the group, dietary restrictions were accommodated.  The variety and quality of the sightseeing tours made sure there was something for everyone.


Last stop, on our way  home.   East Side Restaurant and Pub  47 Landing St  Newport, Vt.   The food was great, staff was awesome and entertainment was provided by the snow mobiler’s on the lake. 

The weather was definitely challenging,  but if you were dressed for it, not a problem.  It did cut into our time on our own, but that’s all the more reason to do it again. This was a very unique, fun and enjoyable adventure!