Oct 8 – 9, 2011 On to Arkansas … Drove through Fort Smith and put it on our list of places to stop “next time”. It looks like a cool western town. We are on a mission to get to the Hot Springs National Park. It is what we expected and not what we expected. The best way I can describe it is odd, but enjoyable. It’s a National Park that zig zags through a town. Only one “Hot Spring” to touch. Lots of bath houses and spas to “rejuvenate” and relax your wallets. We thoroughly enjoyed the hiking trails. One led up a mountain to a great lookout. For $$ you can ride an elevator to the top or you could walk the stairs for free. We took the elevator. There was a very small but informative museum. One of the hiking trails took us through the back door of a hotel, down a hallway to a staircase leading to the lobby and out the front door. That was very odd, but interesting.
Of all the things I’ve learned about traveling on this trip, I think the most helpful is, learn a little about the place your going before you go. All National Parks have a museum or visitors center with information. Go there first. Another helpful thing is talking to people that have already been there. Some of the tips, suggestions and recommendations we’ve gotten have been invaluable.
Honorable mention goes to the owner of the Lakeside Campground in Salislaw, Arkansas where we stayed. She was just the friendliest lady.
If you’re a history buff, Hot Springs, Arkansas is full of it. Visiting was fun, different, eclectic! Next Stop Rocky Mountain National Park in Tennessee.