February 10, 2016
The Connecticut Hillbillies are packed and ready to roll.
We have the kitchen sink, car, bike, kayaks … The cupboards and compartments are filled and overflowing. David refused to strap my rocking chair to the roof of the RV. That was only after I refused to sit in it.
E T was routing for the rocking chair. Her and I are going to have some territorial issues regarding the passenger seat.
We are late headed south this year. We are contending with the El Nino effect. Had we left as planned on Feb 2, our planned route would have taken us through wind, rain and tornado riddled Tennessee and Alabama to Gulf Shores. Not the sunny south that most imagine. So our home away from home is weathering her share of snow and like us, waiting patiently to get rolling. It’s all part of the adventure!
It’s not the first time weather has altered our plans. In 2011 we left on our first cross country trip only a few days after Hurricane / Tropical Storm Irene. Our biggest obstacle was finding a gas station open that had gas. Another challenge was traveling coast to coast in twenty year old, “Old Bessie”. We should have had more faith, she did great!
Like most of our trips we don’t have a lot of places that we have to be on a certain date. Last weekend, we had hoped to be in Mobile, Alabama for the kick off of their Mardi Gras, but wind and rain forced the organizers to cancel, good thing we weren’t there. So, we put Alabama Mardi Gras on our list of “next times”.
Our first reservations were/are at the Gulf Shores (Alabama) State Park Campground. The folks there were great to work with readjusting our dates, so we didn’t even lose our deposit ($40). Instead of 8 days there, hopefully, we’ll have 2.
It looks like we’re finally getting the two day break we need between storms to leave, hurray!
Next Stop … 380 miles south … Pet Friendly, Motel 6 … Hagerstown, Maryland … Too Cold for camping til we get much further south.