July 17, 2015. The Denver area is VERY busy. Traffic is wicked. It took us almost two hours to get to the Denver International Airport, to pick up the kids, which according to the GPS should have been 35 minutes. Our trip to Idaho Springs was 22 miles from the campground and took us a little over an hour and a half. Anticipating the traffic we gave ourselves two hours to get to Idaho Springs. We made our reservation with just enough time to sign in.
Fortunately, Richie’s Marathon shuttle to the start and finish line was less than 4 miles from the Campground in Bear Creek Lake County Park.
Indian Paintbrush Campground is O.K. We do have very high expectations for National, State and County Campgrounds, based on past experiences. Like the Denver area, the Campground is very busy. This whole Denver and surrounding area is very fitness and recreation oriented. Bear Creek Lake has horseback riding, archery, miles of running, biking hiking trails and a very cool (69 degree water temp) Lake. It’s very well maintained but, there’s minimal shade. It’s very hot here during the day and the high elevation makes it more intense. It does get very cool at night and is nice for sleeping with the windows open.
Richie did a great time running the marathon (3:42:08). He said it was the most scenic , but it was also his toughest course yet. This was his 19th State and 21st Marathon.
The finish line was in a cute park in the center of quaint downtown Morrison. We had a great time cheering on Richie and the other runners. We are having lots of fun together.
If you don’t see the slideshow, check it out on www.barbsadventures.net
Hey Barb! Congrats to Richie! That’s quite an accomplishment. Sounds like you’re having a great time and many memorable experiences! Loved all the pics especially the rafting ones. Enjoy!!